11 research outputs found

    Answer : African net survey - we respond !

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    Between the end of August and December 2013, an internet based survey named ANSWER will collect data about sexual health, sexual behavior and risk taking among Sub-Saharan African migrants (SSAm) living in Switzerland. This research is carried out by the Institut de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP, Lausanne) on a mandate from the Federal Offi ce of Public Health (FOPH), in cooperation with the Swiss Aids Federation (AHS) and other institutions addressing the prevention and information needs of the African population living in Switzerland

    Dynamic verification of mashups of service-oriented things through a mediation platform

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    The new Internet is evolving into the vision of the Internet of Things, where physical world entities are integrated into virtual world things. Things are expected to become active participants in business, information and social processes. Then, the Internet of Things could benefit from the Web Service architecture like today’s Web does; so Future service-oriented Internet things will offer their functionality via service-enabled interfaces. As demonstrated in previous work, there is a need of considering the behaviour of things to develop applications in a more rigorous way. We proposed a lightweight model for representing such behaviour based on the service-oriented paradigm and extending the standard DPWS profile to specify the (partial) order with which things can receive messages. To check whether a mashup of things respects the behaviour, specified at design-time, of composed things, we proposed a static verification. However, at run-time a thing may change its behaviour or receive requests from instances of different mashups. Then, it is required to check and detect dynamically possible invalid invocations provoked by the behaviour’s changes. In this work, we extend our static verification with an approach based on mediation techniques and complex event processing to detect and inhibit invalid invocations, checking that things only receive requests compatible with their behaviour. The solution automatically generates the required elements to perform run-time validation of invocations, and it may be extended to validate other issues. Here, we have also dealt with quality of service and temporal restrictions

    Esempi di multilinguismo in Europa. Inglese lingua franca e italiano lingua straniera. La contrastivit\ue0 nella codificazione linguistica

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    Esempi di multilinguismo in Europa. Inglese lingua franca e italiano lingua straniera Il XIII e il XIV incontro sono stati dedicati alla situazione presente degli insegnamenti linguistici nelle facolt\ue0 economiche italiane ed europee. Sempre nell\u2019ottica del multilinguismo europeo e in sintonia con il tema dell\u2019internazionalizzazione, che costituisce una delle idee guida del piano Bocconi per il decennio in corso, il XV Incontro si propone di approfondire il discorso relativo all\u2019inglese come lingua franca (il cosiddetto Globish) e all\u2019italiano come lingua straniera. In una realt\ue0 sempre pi\uf9 internazionale, l\u2019inglese risponde alla necessit\ue0 di una comunicazione mondiale a tutti i livelli. D\u2019altro canto, in considerazione del valore culturale del multilinguismo e della ricchezza legata all\u2019apporto di molteplici lingue e culture, l\u2019italiano lingua straniera si propone quale significativa risposta a queste nuove esigenze linguistico-culturali. La contrastivit\ue0 nella codificazione linguistica Le sessioni pomeridiane, all\u2019insegna degli aspetti contrastivi tra vari codici, intende contribuire all\u2019aggiornamento di una didattica in armonia con metodiche scientificamente corrette. Ci si propone pertanto di approfondire il discorso intorno alla contrastivit\ue0 (lingua straniera verso lingua italiana) riguardante gli insegnamenti tradizionalmente impartiti nelle Facolt\ue0 di Economia (inglese, francese, spagnolo, tedesco)